I am not a physician, I am a CSS survivor.
If you are a survivor, or the loved one of a survivor, please do not email me asking for a medical explanation or diagnosis. All I can do is tell you what did, or didn’t work for me in regard to symptoms I’ve had, or currently have. If you have a question, please check to make sure I have NOT already answered this question on the site. Please be brief (I do not have the energy to read your life story, sorry), and concise (dates, age, other medical concerns, things you have tried specifically, etc.) I may email you back personally, or I may respond to your email through a post (don’t worry, I won’t mention you specifically). So, if you shoot me an email and don’t hear back, please be patient and keep an eye on new posts.
If you are a physician, send me your questions or comments, and I’ll do my best to respond accordingly.