How Can I Sum Up CSS for Other People?
You have a VERY narrow window for homestasis. Homeostasis is the process that maintains the stability of the human body’s internal environment in response to changes in external conditions. This means that while most people need a lot of something to throw their bodies out of balance and incur the side effects of that imbalance, people with CSS’s only need a little to incur the same, or more severe side effects. This includes any stimuli detectable by one or more sensory modalities; whether it be sight/seeing/light/visual, hearing/sound/auditory, taste/gustatory, touch/pressure/tactile, temperature/thermal, chemical (in the environment or in the body), smell/fragrance/fumes/oders/olfactory, balance/movement, etc. The less pain you feel and the less side effects you are dealing with, the more balanced you are.