Ban the Bra
I haven’t worn a bra regularly since I was 15. They are just too painful to even put on, let alone keeping one on for any duration of time. I’ve tried wearing them very loosely, which provides no absolutely no support and move around and have to be adjusted every 5 minutes, often in public, which renders them completely useless for me. If you are female and were looking for a bra that is perfect for you, you’re probably not going to find it here. With CSS, it’s not what you do that makes you feel better in most cases. Rather, it’s what you do NOT do. If you suffer from chest pain, back pain, and/or shortness of breath, it may be time to ban the bra. There are many ways to hide the fact that you’re not wearing a bra if you find it time to ban the bra.
Toss It
Toss out anything that actually requires you to wear a bra. Anything too sheer, made of spandex or that hugs your body just a little to much. If it’s white or light, it may need to go. If you have a favorite top you just don’t want to let go of, you might be interested in silicon adhesive (reusable) or stick-on bras (one-time use).
Only buy tops that cover the fact you aren’t wearing a bra (unless you stopped caring what other people think of you a long time ago).
These include shirts with built in bras that sit loosely on you, or that are a couple sizes bigger than your perfect fit, or shirts with images or writing that camouflage your bralessness.
It’s trickier in the summer, but easy in the winter since layers and thicker tops often mask your bralessness. In the summer, shoot for light blouses with a tank-top undershirt.
Build up your chest muscles a bit. They will not only shrink your “girls” a bit, which makes them require less support, but this will also give you a natural lift. Aim for 10-20 pound dumbbells and 10 reps per day.
You should notice a difference in perk and firmness in a couple of weeks, but keep going until you reach a desired perk. It may take longer for women over 40.
It all depends on how easy you build muscle. I myself build muscle so quickly it’s a bad thing, too much extra weight too easily and every 5 pounds gained comes with new health limitations.
For those who genuinely require support, I have heard good things about the Genie Bra or other seamless leisure bras. I have tried the Genie Bra myself, and while supportive, unless you run one or more sizes larger, they may be to tight.