The 411 for Physicians & Medical Researchers
Sex: Female
Year of Birth: 1981
Height: 5’3
Weight: 140
Race: White
Blood Type: A- (Rh -Negative)
Family History of Fibromyalgia: Yes.
Blood Pressure: 130/80
History of HBP: Yes
Family History of HBP and Heart Disease: Yes
Diabetes/Hypoglycemia: No
History of Cancer: No
Family History of Cancer: Yes – Mother and Father
Adrenal/Thyroid/ Known Hormonal Imbalance: No
History of Vitamin Deficiency: Yes, B12 – 1yr, resolved
Bloodwork, MRI’s, etc., come back normal.
History of Psychiatric Care: Yes, until my condition was ruled not psychiatric in nature and my condition significantly improved once psychiatric medications were eliminated from my chronic pain management. Medication intolerance left me institutionally dependent. Cessation of medications resulted in total independence.