Reducing Muscle Tightness in People with Centralized Pain
A healthy muscle is an elastic muscle. A healthy elastic muscle has a healthy stretch reflex system. When people with central sensitivity are exposed to environmental stress (too much sound, light, touch, smell, etc.) their bodies release stress hormones called norepinephrine, adrenaline, and cortisol. Adrenaline along with norepinephrine are what…
My Severe Pain Relief Guide
The following is my guide to treating sudden onsets of pain and other symptoms. While they work wonders for me, they may not all work for you. I hope you find at least some of these relief programs successful in your sudden onsets of symptoms. And I hope you keep…
Itchy, Dry, Stiff, and Spasms – Central Sensitization
Central Sensitization Symptoms: Dry and itchy skin without rash, dry mouth, dry eyes, increased muscle tightness, stiffness, spams, and pulls. Solutions: Are you drinking a fair amount of water per day? I mean at least 6 or 7 8oz glasses of water with nothing else in it per day? Part…