Central Sensitivity Syndrome | A Survivor's Guide

Yearly Archives : 2016

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Recreational Therapy & Central Sensitivity

On August 28, 2016, Posted by , In Uncategorized, By ,, , With No Comments

Improving strength and flexibility does not have to be all work and no play. Learn how to get patients to pick up fun sports and hobbies that also strengthen their core, lighten their mood, and reduce their pain. Deconditioning and immobility are 2 major affects of chronic pain. Therefore, it…

Reading and Central Sensitization

Because of my impaired ability to concentrate and hold attention due to pain and fatigue, reading is a planned activity, rather than something I decide would be a great thing to do at the moment. Because I’m a scholar and write a lot, I also need to read a lot,…

Severe Central Sensitivity: What It Feels Like

On August 24, 2016, Posted by , In Uncategorized, By ,, , With No Comments

It’s impossible to really express in words what it feels like to have have severely debilitating central sensitivity. In fact, it’s impossible to fully capture any severity of central sensitivity through words alone. So, since a picture is worth a thousand words, I thought I would use images in an…

Central Sensitization & Driving

On August 23, 2016, Posted by , In Uncategorized, By , , With No Comments

I couldn’t pay attention to drive well enough in my teens, and I had more than one careless driving ticket around that time period. A couple years after I started driving, when the severity of my symptoms were highest, I was no longer able to drive. The major reason was…

Depression & Central Sensitization

On August 19, 2016, Posted by , In Uncategorized, By ,,, , With No Comments

Happiness is knowing you are not alone in your struggles. We are out there, we understand, and we will always love you as you are. I was diagnosed with Major Depression when I was a teenager, right around the time the fatigue and pain hit me like a jack hammer….

My Workout Regimes with Central Sensitization

On August 18, 2016, Posted by , In Uncategorized, By ,,, , With No Comments

When the worst of my symptoms kicked in back in 2000, I spent pretty much the whole day either in bed or vegging on the couch. That’s pretty much 24-hours of rest. As you can imagine, it was only a matter of time before the weight packed on (20 pounds…

Bathing with Chronic Fatigue

On July 4, 2016, Posted by , In Uncategorized, By ,, , With No Comments

Showering is an exhausting endeavor with central sensitivity. It may be the most exhausting thing you do in a day, it may be all you can get done in a day. But it can be easier and less exhausting if you’re ready to give up on doing it like everyone…

Centralized Pain Symptom Severity By Time of Day

This is an outline of “my” average symptom severity increases and decreased based on the time of day. As you can imagine, all sorts of misconceptions can be made by physicians based on what time of the day they have seen me in the past. Appointments in the early morning…

Congenital Central Sensitization Symptoms

The following is the symptomology of a single case of congenital central sensitization of which was not properly diagnosed until adulthood and was largely ignored and misunderstood by the medical community and family members. In all age groups, top hierarchy symptoms where the first signs of increased sensitivity. Adolescent increased…

Central Sensitization & Chest Pain

People with central sensitization can experience frequent chest pains, particularly on the left hand side. If you have consulted your doctor on your chest pains, and they did not find any other cause, your issue could be one of the following. Stress Breathing Chest Pain Chest breathing makes everything really…